Vector spaces
Type hierarchy
The following types are defined to characterise vector spaces and their properties:
— Typeabstract type Field end
Abstract type at the top of the type hierarchy for denoting fields over which vector spaces (or more generally, linear categories) can be defined. Two common fields are ℝ
and ℂ
, representing the field of real or complex numbers respectively.
— Typeabstract type VectorSpace end
Abstract type at the top of the type hierarchy for denoting vector spaces, or, more accurately, 𝕜-linear categories. All instances of subtypes of VectorSpace will represent objects in 𝕜-linear monoidal categories.
— Typeabstract type ElementarySpace <: VectorSpace end
Elementary finite-dimensional vector space over a field that can be used as the index space corresponding to the indices of a tensor. ElementarySpace is a supertype for all vector spaces (objects) that can be associated with the individual indices of a tensor, as hinted to by its alias IndexSpace.
Every elementary vector space should respond to the methods conj
and dual
, returning the complex conjugate space and the dual space respectively. The complex conjugate of the dual space is obtained as dual(conj(V)) === conj(dual(V))
. These different spaces should be of the same type, so that a tensor can be defined as an element of a homogeneous tensor product of these spaces.
— Typestruct GeneralSpace{𝔽} <: ElementarySpace
A finite-dimensional space over an arbitrary field 𝔽
without additional structure. It is thus characterized by its dimension, and whether or not it is the dual and/or conjugate space. For a real field 𝔽
, the space and its conjugate are the same.
— Typestruct CartesianSpace <: ElementarySpace
A real Euclidean space ℝ^d
, which is therefore self-dual. CartesianSpace
has no additonal structure and is completely characterised by its dimension d
. This is the vector space that is implicitly assumed in most of matrix algebra.
— Typestruct ComplexSpace <: ElementarySpace
A standard complex vector space ℂ^d with Euclidean inner product and no additional structure. It is completely characterised by its dimension and whether its the normal space or its dual (which is canonically isomorphic to the conjugate space).
— Typestruct GradedSpace{I<:Sector, D} <: ElementarySpace
A complex Euclidean space with a direct sum structure corresponding to labels in a set I
, the objects of which have the structure of a monoid with respect to a monoidal product ⊗
. In practice, we restrict the label set to be a set of superselection sectors of type I<:Sector
, e.g. the set of distinct irreps of a finite or compact group, or the isomorphism classes of simple objects of a unitary and pivotal (pre-)fusion category.
Here dims
represents the degeneracy or multiplicity of every sector.
The data structure D
of dims
will depend on the result Base.IteratorElsize(values(I))
; if the result is of type HasLength
or HasShape
, dims
will be stored in a NTuple{N,Int}
with N = length(values(I))
. This requires that a sector s::I
can be transformed into an index via s == getindex(values(I), i)
and i == findindex(values(I), s)
. If Base.IteratorElsize(values(I))
results IsInfinite()
or SizeUnknown()
, a SectorDict{I,Int}
is used to store the non-zero degeneracy dimensions with the corresponding sector as key. The parameter D
is hidden from the user and should typically be of no concern.
The concrete type GradedSpace{I,D}
with correct D
can be obtained as Vect[I]
, or if I == Irrep[G]
for some G<:Group
, as Rep[G]
— Typeabstract type CompositeSpace{S<:ElementarySpace} <: VectorSpace end
Abstract type for composite spaces that are defined in terms of a number of elementary vector spaces of a homogeneous type S<:ElementarySpace
— Typestruct ProductSpace{S<:ElementarySpace, N} <: CompositeSpace{S}
A ProductSpace
is a tensor product space of N
vector spaces of type S<:ElementarySpace
. Only tensor products between ElementarySpace
objects of the same type are allowed.
— Typestruct HomSpace{S<:ElementarySpace, P1<:CompositeSpace{S}, P2<:CompositeSpace{S}}
Represents the linear space of morphisms with codomain of type P1
and domain of type P2
. Note that HomSpace is not a subtype of VectorSpace, i.e. we restrict the latter to denote certain categories and their objects, and keep HomSpace distinct.
together with the following specific types for encoding the inner product structure of a space:
— TypeInnerProductStyle(V::VectorSpace) -> ::InnerProductStyle
InnerProductStyle(S::Type{<:VectorSpace}) -> ::InnerProductStyle
Return the type of inner product for vector spaces, which can be either
: no mapping fromdual(V)
, i.e. no metric- subtype of
: a metric exists, but no further support is implemented. EuclideanInnerProduct()
: the metric is the identity, such that dual and conjugate spaces are isomorphic.
Useful constants
The following constants are defined to easily create the concrete type of GradedSpace
associated with a given type of sector.
— Constantconst Vect
A constant of a singleton type used as Vect[I]
with I<:Sector
a type of sector, to construct or obtain the concrete type GradedSpace{I,D}
instances without having to specify D
— Constantconst Rep
A constant of a singleton type used as Rep[G]
with G<:Group
a type of group, to construct or obtain the concrete type GradedSpace{Irrep[G],D}
instances without having to specify D
. Note that Rep[G] == Vect[Irrep[G]]
In this respect, there are also a number of type aliases for the GradedSpace
types associated with the most common sectors, namely
const ZNSpace{N} = Vect[ZNIrrep{N}]
const Z2Space = ZNSpace{2}
const Z3Space = ZNSpace{3}
const Z4Space = ZNSpace{4}
const U1Space = Rep[U₁]
const CU1Space = Rep[CU₁]
const SU2Space = Rep[SU₂]
# Unicode alternatives
const ℤ₂Space = Z2Space
const ℤ₃Space = Z3Space
const ℤ₄Space = Z4Space
const U₁Space = U1Space
const CU₁Space = CU1Space
const SU₂Space = SU2Space
Methods often apply similar to e.g. spaces and corresponding tensors or tensor maps, e.g.:
— Functionfield(V::VectorSpace) -> Field
Return the field type over which a vector space is defined.
— Functionsectortype(a) -> Type{<:Sector}
Return the type of sector over which object a
(e.g. a representation space or a tensor) is defined. Also works in type domain.
sectortype(::AbstractTensorMap) -> Type{I<:Sector}
sectortype(::Type{<:AbstractTensorMap}) -> Type{I<:Sector}
Return the type of sector I
of a tensor.
— Functionsectors(V::ElementarySpace)
Return an iterator over the different sectors of V
— Functionhassector(V::VectorSpace, a::Sector) -> Bool
Return whether a vector space V
has a subspace corresponding to sector a
with non-zero dimension, i.e. dim(V, a) > 0
— Methoddim(V::VectorSpace) -> Int
Return the total dimension of the vector space V
as an Int.
— Methoddim(V::ElementarySpace, s::Sector) -> Int
Return the degeneracy dimension corresponding to the sector s
of the vector space V
— Functionreduceddim(V::ElementarySpace) -> Int
Return the sum of all degeneracy dimensions of the vector space V
— Methoddim(P::ProductSpace{S, N}, s::NTuple{N, sectortype(S)}) where {S<:ElementarySpace}
-> Int
Return the total degeneracy dimension corresponding to a tuple of sectors for each of the spaces in the tensor product, obtained as prod(dims(P, s))
— Methoddim(W::HomSpace)
Return the total dimension of a HomSpace
, i.e. the number of linearly independent morphisms that can be constructed within this space.
— Functiondims(::ProductSpace{S, N}) -> Dims{N} = NTuple{N, Int}
Return the dimensions of the spaces in the tensor product space as a tuple of integers.
dims(P::ProductSpace{S, N}, s::NTuple{N, sectortype(S)}) where {S<:ElementarySpace}
-> Dims{N} = NTuple{N, Int}
Return the degeneracy dimensions corresponding to a tuple of sectors s
for each of the spaces in the tensor product P
— Methodblocksectors(P::ProductSpace)
Return an iterator over the different unique coupled sector labels, i.e. the different fusion outputs that can be obtained by fusing the sectors present in the different spaces that make up the ProductSpace
— Methodblocksectors(W::HomSpace)
Return an iterator over the different unique coupled sector labels, i.e. the intersection of the different fusion outputs that can be obtained by fusing the sectors present in the domain, as well as from the codomain.
See also hasblock
— Functionhasblock(P::ProductSpace, c::Sector)
Query whether a coupled sector c
appears with nonzero dimension in P
, i.e. whether blockdim(P, c) > 0
See also blockdim
and blocksectors
hasblock(W::HomSpace, c::Sector)
Query whether a coupled sector c
appears in both the codomain and domain of W
See also blocksectors
hasblock(t::AbstractTensorMap, c::Sector) -> Bool
Verify whether a tensor has a block corresponding to a coupled sector c
— Functionblockdim(P::ProductSpace, c::Sector)
Return the total dimension of a coupled sector c
in the product space, by summing over all dim(P, s)
for all tuples of sectors s::NTuple{N, <:Sector}
that can fuse to c
, counted with the correct multiplicity (i.e. number of ways in which s
can fuse to c
See also hasblock
and blocksectors
— Methodfusiontrees(P::ProductSpace, blocksector::Sector)
Return an iterator over all fusion trees that can be formed by fusing the sectors present in the different spaces that make up the ProductSpace
instance into the coupled sector blocksector
— Functionspace(a) -> VectorSpace
Return the vector space associated to object a
The following methods act specifically on ElementarySpace
— Functionisdual(V::ElementarySpace) -> Bool
Return wether an ElementarySpace V
is normal or rather a dual space. Always returns false
for spaces where V == dual(V)
— Functiondual(V::VectorSpace) -> VectorSpace
Return the dual space of V
; also obtained via V'
. This should satisfy dual(dual(V)) == V
. It is assumed that typeof(V) == typeof(V')
— Functionconj(V::S) where {S<:ElementarySpace} -> S
Return the conjugate space of V
. This should satisfy conj(conj(V)) == V
For field(V)==ℝ
, conj(V) == V
. It is assumed that typeof(V) == typeof(conj(V))
— Functionflip(V::S) where {S<:ElementarySpace} -> S
Return a single vector space of type S
that has the same value of isdual
as dual(V)
, but yet is isomorphic to V
rather than to dual(V)
. The spaces flip(V)
and dual(V)
only differ in the case of GradedSpace{I}
— Function⊕(V₁::S, V₂::S, V₃::S...) where {S<:ElementarySpace} -> S
oplus(V₁::S, V₂::S, V₃::S...) where {S<:ElementarySpace} -> S
Return the corresponding vector space of type S
that represents the direct sum sum of the spaces V₁
, V₂
, ... Note that all the individual spaces should have the same value for isdual
, as otherwise the direct sum is not defined.
— Methodzero(V::S) where {S<:ElementarySpace} -> S
Return the corresponding vector space of type S
that represents the zero-dimensional or empty space. This is, with a slight abuse of notation, the zero element of the direct sum of vector spaces.
— Functiononeunit(V::S) where {S<:ElementarySpace} -> S
Return the corresponding vector space of type S
that represents the trivial one-dimensional space, i.e. the space that is isomorphic to the corresponding field. Note that this is different from one(V::S)
, which returns the empty product space ProductSpace{S,0}(())
— Functionsupremum(V₁::ElementarySpace, V₂::ElementarySpace, V₃::ElementarySpace...)
Return the supremum of a number of elementary spaces, i.e. an instance V::ElementarySpace
such that V ≿ V₁
, V ≿ V₂
, ... and no other W ≺ V
has this property. This requires that all arguments have the same value of isdual( )
, and also the return value V
will have the same value.
— Functioninfimum(V₁::ElementarySpace, V₂::ElementarySpace, V₃::ElementarySpace...)
Return the infimum of a number of elementary spaces, i.e. an instance V::ElementarySpace
such that V ≾ V₁
, V ≾ V₂
, ... and no other W ≻ V
has this property. This requires that all arguments have the same value of isdual( )
, and also the return value V
will have the same value.
while the following also work on both ElementarySpace
and ProductSpace
— Methodone(::S) where {S<:ElementarySpace} -> ProductSpace{S, 0}
one(::ProductSpace{S}) where {S<:ElementarySpace} -> ProductSpace{S, 0}
Return a tensor product of zero spaces of type S
, i.e. this is the unit object under the tensor product operation, such that V ⊗ one(V) == V
— Functionfuse(V₁::S, V₂::S, V₃::S...) where {S<:ElementarySpace} -> S
fuse(P::ProductSpace{S}) where {S<:ElementarySpace} -> S
Return a single vector space of type S
that is isomorphic to the fusion product of the individual spaces V₁
, V₂
, ..., or the spaces contained in P
— Method⊗(V₁::S, V₂::S, V₃::S...) where {S<:ElementarySpace} -> S
Create a ProductSpace{S}(V₁, V₂, V₃...)
representing the tensor product of several elementary vector spaces. For convience, Julia's regular multiplication operator *
applied to vector spaces has the same effect.
The tensor product structure is preserved, see fuse
for returning a single elementary space of type S
that is isomorphic to this tensor product.
— Method⊠(V₁::VectorSpace, V₂::VectorSpace)
Given two vector spaces V₁
and V₂
or ProductSpace
), or thus, objects of corresponding fusion categories $C₁$ and $C₂$, $V₁ ⊠ V₂$ constructs the Deligne tensor product, an object in $C₁ ⊠ C₂$ which is the natural tensor product of those categories. In particular, the corresponding type of sectors (simple objects) is given by sectortype(V₁ ⊠ V₂) == sectortype(V₁) ⊠ sectortype(V₂)
and can be thought of as a tuple of the individual sectors.
The Deligne tensor product also works in the type domain and for sectors and tensors. For group representations, we have Rep[G₁] ⊠ Rep[G₂] == Rep[G₁ × G₂]
, i.e. these are the natural representation spaces of the direct product of two groups.
— Functionismonomorphic(V₁::VectorSpace, V₂::VectorSpace)
V₁ ≾ V₂
Return whether there exist monomorphisms from V₁
to V₂
, i.e. 'injective' morphisms with left inverses.
— Functionisepimorphic(V₁::VectorSpace, V₂::VectorSpace)
V₁ ≿ V₂
Return whether there exist epimorphisms from V₁
to V₂
, i.e. 'surjective' morphisms with right inverses.
— Functionisisomorphic(V₁::VectorSpace, V₂::VectorSpace)
V₁ ≅ V₂
Return if V₁
and V₂
are isomorphic, meaning that there exists isomorphisms from V₁
to V₂
, i.e. morphisms with left and right inverses.
Inserting trivial space factors or removing such factors for ProductSpace
instances can be done with the following methods.
— Methodinsertleftunit(P::ProductSpace, i::Int=length(P) + 1; conj=false, dual=false)
Insert a trivial vector space, isomorphic to the underlying field, at position i
, which can be specified as an Int
or as Val(i)
for improved type stability. More specifically, adds a left monoidal unit or its dual.
See also insertrightunit
, removeunit
— Methodinsertrightunit(P::ProductSpace, i=lenght(P); conj=false, dual=false)
Insert a trivial vector space, isomorphic to the underlying field, after position i
, which can be specified as an Int
or as Val(i)
for improved type stability. More specifically, adds a right monoidal unit or its dual.
See also insertleftunit
, removeunit
— Methodremoveunit(P::ProductSpace, i::Int)
This removes a trivial tensor product factor at position 1 ≤ i ≤ N
, where i
can be specified as an Int
or as Val(i)
for improved type stability. For this to work, that factor has to be isomorphic to the field of scalars.
This operation undoes the work of insertleftunit
and insertrightunit
There are also specific methods for HomSpace
instances, that are used in determining the resuling HomSpace
after applying certain tensor operations.
— Methodflip(W::HomSpace, I)
Return a new HomSpace
object by applying flip
to each of the spaces in the domain and codomain of W
for which the linear index i
satisfies i ∈ I
— Methodpermute(W::HomSpace, (p₁, p₂)::Index2Tuple{N₁,N₂})
Return the HomSpace
obtained by permuting the indices of the domain and codomain of W
according to the permutation p₁
and p₂
— Methodselect(W::HomSpace, (p₁, p₂)::Index2Tuple{N₁,N₂})
Return the HomSpace
obtained by a selection from the domain and codomain of W
according to the indices in p₁
and p₂
— Methodcompose(W::HomSpace, V::HomSpace)
Obtain the HomSpace that is obtained from composing the morphisms in W
and V
. For this to be possible, the domain of W
must match the codomain of V
— Methodinsertleftunit(W::HomSpace, i=numind(W) + 1; conj=false, dual=false)
Insert a trivial vector space, isomorphic to the underlying field, at position i
, which can be specified as an Int
or as Val(i)
for improved type stability. More specifically, adds a left monoidal unit or its dual.
See also insertrightunit
, removeunit
— Methodinsertrightunit(W::HomSpace, i=numind(W); conj=false, dual=false)
Insert a trivial vector space, isomorphic to the underlying field, after position i
, which can be specified as an Int
or as Val(i)
for improved type stability. More specifically, adds a right monoidal unit or its dual.
See also insertleftunit
, removeunit
— Methodremoveunit(P::HomSpace, i)
This removes a trivial tensor product factor at position 1 ≤ i ≤ N
, where i
can be specified as an Int
or as Val(i)
for improved type stability. For this to work, the space at position i
has to be isomorphic to the field of scalars.
This operation undoes the work of insertleftunit
and insertrightunit