Automatic differentiation

TensorOperations offers experimental support for reverse-mode automatic diffentiation (AD) through the use of ChainRules.jl. As the basic operations are multi-linear, the vector-Jacobian products thereof can all be expressed in terms of the operations defined in VectorInterface and TensorOperations. Thus, any custom type whose tangent type also support these interfaces will automatically inherit reverse-mode AD support.

As the @tensor macro rewrites everything in terms of the basic tensor operations, the reverse-mode rules for these methods are supplied. However, because most AD-engines do not support in-place mutation, effectively these operations will be replaced with a non-mutating version. This is similar to the behaviour found in BangBang.jl, as the operations will be in-place, except for the pieces of code that are being differentiated. In effect, this amounts to replacing all assignments (=) with definitions (:=) within the context of @tensor.


While some rudimentary tests are run, the AD support is currently not incredibly well-tested. Because of the way it is implemented, the use of AD will tacitly replace mutating operations with a non-mutating variant. This might lead to unwanted bugs that are hard to track down. Additionally, for mixed scalar types their also might be unexpected or unwanted behaviour.